December 2019

Year End Message from President

2019 has been a productive and memorable year and 2020 promises to be even more so, with two major change initiatives looming large.

Firstly, after more than four years of discussion and consensus building, a joint industry-government process to develop a seed regulatory modernization proposal is about to launch. Watch for details in early 2020.

Secondly, CSGA and five other seed organizations are pressing forward with an amalgamation project that could lead to the creation of new National Seed Organization by as early as 2020. For a progress update, read this.

Both these initiatives will require your attention and your engagement if we are to get it right. So please give some thought to what needs to change and what doesn’t going forward and get prepared to engage. More information on how, including a member survey, in early 2020.

While you are thinking about change, please take a look at the attached notice, outlining a schedule of temporary fee increases to support the continued implementation of our Strategic Plan and in particular the Seed Synergy White Paper objectives that now underpin it.

You will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the new fee schedule before it goes into effect in final form, on February 1, 2020. Look for an update and an opportunity to provide input in early January 2020.

In closing, let me say that it is both an honor and privilege to serve as your CSGA President, and I thank you for it.  Connecting personally with so many of you over the last year has been the highlight of my tenure so far, and I look forward to more of the same in 2020.

As we stop to catch our breath during the holiday season, I would like to extend to each and every one of you and your families the very Merriest of Christmases and a Happy & Prosperous New Year.

Jonathan Nyborg

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CSGA staff are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember the CSGA national office operates in the Eastern Time (ET) zone.

Telephone: (613) 236-0497
Address: 21 Florence St, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0W6
Click here for complete staff contact information.