Breeder Seed Crops

Breeder seed, the highest class of seed pedigreed by the CSGA, is produced by Plant Breeders. Produced in small plots, Breeder seed provides the original parent seed for all other classes of pedigreed seed. It is crucial that this material be as free as practically possible from varietal impurities, weed seeds and other foreign material. The Plant Breeder is responsible for controlling the production of the seed assuring that it is grown and processed to the highest standards.

Breeder Seed Crop Regulations

The Breeder Seed Crop Regulations provide direction to Plant Breeders responsible for the production of Breeder seed crops that are pedigreed by the CSGA. It also explains CSGA requirements for peer-reviewed professional recognition of Plant Breeders and third-party audited quality management systems. These regulations should be used in conjunction with the CSGA Regulations and Procedures for Pedigreed Seed Crop Production (Circular 6).

Breeder Seed Certification Forms

Application for Breeder Seed Crop Certificate and Certification Eligibility
Plant Breeders must submit the Application for Breeder Seed Crop (Form 43) to the CSGA office to certify Breeder seed crops.

The Application for Breeder Seed Crop (Form 43) can now be completed electronically with supporting documents, such as certificates of analysis, erucic acid test results, variety descriptions or Form 300’s, online in the SeedCert. The link to the eForm is found under the “Forms” tab.

Application for Plant Breeder Recognition
Individuals wishing to become CSGA-recognized Plant Breeders, Associate Plant Breeders or Variety Maintainers must complete the Application for Plant Breeder Recognition to undergo a peer-reviewed evaluation and recognition.

Demotion of Breeder Seed Application
The Demotion of Breeder Seed Application is submitted to the CSGA to demote Breeder seed for the purpose of selling it as Foundation, Registered and/or Certified seed.


Breeder Seed Production Quality Management System (QMS) Assessment Checklist

Quality Management Systems (QMS) Q&A

Canadian Seed Institute List of Accredited Seed Testing Labs

Canadian Seed Institute List of Accredited Assessors